Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last of Cutesy's Visit 2015

Cutesy the Elf brought fun and holiday spirit to us this year. Here are the last few things he did before heading back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.
Cutesy hid in the Christmas tree with a little Christmas tree treat.
Cutesy brought this little notebook to Boogs a couple of years ago, but Boogs never used it. Cutesy found it mixed in with a box of Christmas stuff and decided to give it to Boogs again.
Cutesy showed up in our hotel room with a new book for Boogs to read on the plane to Canada.
Cutesy wrote a message with Lego-type candy blocks on Grandmaman's side table.
We weren't sure what Cutesy was trying to do this morning. Was he trying to train the duck or trying to fly South for the winter?
Cutesy found a Sharpie marker and drew minions on Grandpapa's bananas.
On Christmas morning, Cutesy left behind a little package for Boogs.
It was a thumb wrestling ring. We had a lot of fun challenging each other to thumb wrestling matches.
We were sad that Cutesy had to leave. Boogs hopes he comes back again next year and get up to more nonsense and mischief.

Be sure to check out the wonderful sites I link to on my sidebar! You can see all of Cutesy's adventures on his Cutesy the Elf Pinterest board.

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